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Late Summer Inspiration

Sometimes inspiration is found on a long trip, in a remarkable read, or by the words of a sensitive friend. Sometimes it is found at your feet, or in the air as you walk around your own yard.

August in Missouri has been very hot and humid. All too often I avoid the stifling heat of the summer by staying in the studio. Soon the weather will cool, and it will be a pleasure to be out having adventures with my camera and sketchbook.

Here are a few pictures I took taking a walk around my house, and then around the block.

What will you find today?

“Instances,” A New 2016 Series

In January, 2016 I started a new series, “Instances.” My goal is to create a body of work based on fleeting moments, glimpses of experiences. The initial project was to complete 20 encaustic images, 18″x18″ on 22″x30 Fabriano Artistico. This was accomplished at the end of May.

After my 3rd piece in the series, I wrote an artist statement, to keep on track.

Instances Series                                            1-20-16

Instances, the first works of 2016 are based on using essential visual language to reveal visceral reactions to daily encounters.

Encounters may selectively hit a nerve, or work in combination to provoke a response: verbal, physical, emotional, or intellectual instances translated to visual mass, velocity, color and texture. They may be those we choose, or moments that happen to us.

 “These pieces are color and texture explosions-energy captured in containers of rectilinear form.”

  “I’m intentionally not trying for the perfect calligraphic mark. Instead, blunt, ungracious blasts of paint off rough bristle brushes move over the surface on their own trajectories, for their own purposes.”

These reductive, primal expressions represent the essence of what is left from an encounter once the knowable is stripped away. By removing recognizable elements, what remains are responsive, experiential marks. The enigmatic feeling of an encounter made visual.

The images are in sequence by season/month for the first part of the year, starting with the winter images at the bottom. You will see the color palette change from cool wintry colors, to warmer spring colors. (Click on images for titles, and slide show.) 10 of the 20 images are shown here.

FAC Artist Spotlight: Lisa Sisley-Blinn

I had the opportunity to be interviewed by Foundry Art Centre Administrative Coordinator Jillian Schoettle. We talked about my current and past work, choice of mediums that support the work, my background and approach to teaching. Read it all here:


Her fluidity between series and projects allows for her to approach pieces again as new concepts emerge.


Article & Photographs by Jillian Schoettle. Thank you Jillian!